
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Random Monday/Tuesday: Traveling Blows

Edit: Just realized that it's TUESDAY. I lost a whole day of my life yesterday in the traveling vortex, so deal with it. :) I'll see you for Good Eats Wednesday tomorrow. 

I had a great time in Missouri, and I am super glad to be back home. 
I desperately need to rant about my travel experience! 
(It should be funny in parts, so hang in there.)

I went to the Kansas City airport Sunday night. Every time I checked my flight time, (which I did three times that day) it was on time. As soon as I walked to my gate, I knew crazy times were happening at the airport. Maybe the people yelling and shouting at the gate agent should have been a clue. Turns out that Chicago was having some major windy tornado weather, and as a domino effect, every flight out of Kansas City was delayed by an insane amount.  My flight ended up being delayed four hours, luckily I didn't wait for it! 

I called my mom and grandma and told them to pull over on the side of the road while I got rebooked. After waiting in line for a looooong time, I got a flight the next day. We drove two hours back to grandma's house (hotels were full), then got up early the next morning to go back to the airport. 

I ended up flying Kansas City to Denver, Denver to San Francisco, San Francisco to Portland. Three hour layovers in between each time. Ew. 

The first flight was great, the second flight not so much. Here's where the funny starts. My bag fit just fine in the overhead compartment on my first flight, but the second flight was a no go. I swore to the flight attendant that it fit just fine last time. He probably was thinking "yeah right lady." The flight attendant told me to pull out whatever was bulging on top in my bag. Well, that was my underwear. That's right, I held up the boarding of a plane to pull out my underwear and stuff it in my laptop bag. And I have no shame about it. Then I had the middle seat. In case you were wondering, my laptop/underwear bag was in the seat back pocket. Fun times. 

San Francisco to Portland was fine, but the turbulence made me feel fifty shades of nauseous. Yes, I did just say that. I was able to check my bag on the way to Portland for free, so I pulled out my underwear yet again and stuffed it back in my suitcase. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to wave my britches around one last time after that. 

So it was a very long day of travel (almost 20 hours, yuck), but it made it all the more exciting to be finally home. 

Have a great day, and don't fly anywhere! 

1 comment:

  1. "laptop/underwear bag" LOL - you can't make this stuff up. <3
