
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Good Eats Wednesday: Mama Mia!

Usually I make stuffed peppers with a ricotta filling. I wanted something more filling this time and less.....dairy. 

Enter the Chicken Italian Sausage!

1/2 lb chicken (or pork) Italian sausage
2 cloves of garlic
5-6 cups fresh kale or spinach  
1 1/2 cups brown rice, cooked
4 bell peppers (color of your choice), tops cut off and seeds and membranes removed
1 cup mozzarella cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Brown up the sausage, drain any fat if you are using pork sausage. 

Then pop your crushed garlic in the middle. 

Then overload that pan with greens. Like a ton. 

Cook it down to this: 

After most of the water is cooked out, combine with the rice in a large bowl. Stir and taste and season. Repeat. 

Optional: Put a bit of char on your peppers by placing them in a hot hot skillet. Even better, if you have a grill fire that baby up and get some black spots going. 

Stuff em. Really cram it in there. Yep. 

Then stick a slice of mozz on it. (Not a slice of my friend's dog named Mozzie, just some cheese. Just wanting to be clear.)

Encourage standing up with foil if needed. But I hope that when you bought your peppers you bought ones that could stand up alright. 

Bake at 350 for about a half hour. Eat them. 


  1. Delicious! Certainly a welcome reprieve from the ricotta. Very, very good.

  2. my mouth is watering!Chef Jim would be proud
