
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

DIY Tuesday: Photo-palooza!

My momma gave me a bunch of old pictures when I was in Missouri. I am so in love with them and I wanted to display them right away. 

I had a frame that I got from Goodwill, with pretty cool water skiing dude in it. I buy lots of frames from Goodwill because they are so cheap. I think frames are too expensive...but I'm also super cheap. 

I laid out all of the pictures onto the frame, and took a picture so you guys could see what I came up with. I just played around with it until I found something that I liked. 

Then, I pulled out water skiing dude and the glass. Then I painted the frame the same black that I had used on the other frames in the room I wanted to hang it in.
 This sh*t is bananas...b-a-n-a-n-a-s. 

Then I cut a piece of grey fabric for my backing. I ironed it and duct taped it onto the mat with the water skiing dude. Duct tape is my friend! This frame didn't have a cardboard back on it (not a big deal at all) so I got to face water skiing dude toward the wall so I can see him whenever I want to. Aw. 

Next, I stuck the photos onto the mat in the same arrangement with some acid free photo stickers. 

Then I stuck the whole thing in the frame and stuck it on the wall. 


I know that there's one crooked picture in the frame. One corner came unstuck when I popped it in the frame. I did fix that, promise. You just don't get a fixed picture, sucka!

Here's a couple of close ups of my momma and her cousin. 

How rad is that poncho? And you can see the VW bus in the garage. Groovy! 


  1. Oh those glasses...what was I thinking????
    Love these very memorable pictures, Sheridan, and that you selected them for your collage.
    Now, I have some of very memorable pictures of you from 2012, which your offspring might enjoy posting (or whatever they will be doing) in the future. All I need is your address. XO!

  2. Absolutely LOVE it!
    Poncho picture IS so rad!
