
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

DIY Tuesday: Something out of nothing. 10/2

I had a big long tube from our rug package. It was about 9ft tall! Excuse my purse and jacket in this picture!

There's no way I could fit that into our little trash can. I thought it was pretty cool anyway, and I had some ideas on what to do with it. We really needed some side tables in our living room, and I thought about the long tube and how that could help me. I saw this organ tube design on instructables and I got to thinkin. 

This is the instructables table. He took lots of tubes and cut them, glued them together. Not shown is him painting them, then putting a plexiglass top on the table. 

This made me think about what I could maybe do with our big tube. We desperately need a coffee table in the formal living room, and I think that this idea has some potential. The honeycomb type design that would be created on the top of the table would be really neat. 

I wanted the table to be 16" high, so I started by sawing 16" lengths off of the tube. I measured and marked around the tube, then sawed it, making sure to keep the saw aligned with the marks to make a somewhat even cut. Repeat until the end. 

I am still working on configuration and finding the right sized plexiglass, but so far I am liking the idea. Here's it mocked up on our new huge rug:

We're debating between two and three supports. I might determine that once we get some plexi. I'll update you once we make some more progress. Have a great day! 

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