
Friday, September 14, 2012

Adventure Time Friday: I got nuthin.

So since we have been back from Colorado, the adventure time has been lacking. We are hopefully going to go on a saweeeet backpacking trip this weekend--that is if the husband beats his cold he's been fighting in time. CROSS YOUR FINGERS. 

So this week, since Friday is usually just a picture fest, I thought that I would share some pictures that I have found while organizing/backing up my old pictures. Enjoi. 

Let's go back back back back in time......The year is 2006. We went to the Denver Art Museum. 

We also turned 18. And Shane got his dl. Saweet. 

That was back when the husband (boyfriend then...) didn't do the sushi thing. That. has. changed. 

High school graduation! 2007

These boys look like babies. Babies I tell ya! 

Here's a real baby! Lil bro time! He's FAR too old now....I'm just gonna go forget that. 

Mother's day 2007. 

I've got a ton more that I think I'll save for another week where there are no adventures to be had. Have an excellent weekend! 

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