
Friday, September 7, 2012

Adventure Time Friday: Vacation Picture Dump

Here's what we did back in the old C. O. 

Went to the Butterfly Pavilion. I HELD ROSIE!!! (I got a sticker for it)

Got De-lish food at Lucille's in Fort Collins for our anniversary lunch. 

Saw Book of Mormon, which might be the best thing ever. 

Husband at Book of Mormon. 

Got my nails did. 

Got drinks at the Mayor. 

Then did the old town dancing thing with my gals. 

Did jump pictures at the bbq. For a long time. 

Friends just hanging. 

Water gun fight escalated to a water throwing fight. 

Then water gun wrestling. 

We drove up and saw the fire damage at Horsetooth. Not too far from our house, which is crazy to think about. 

It was an amazing trip with amazing people. Now you guys come visit us! 

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