
Friday, September 28, 2012

Adventure Time Friday: Date Day!

Husband and I are working on balancing our weekends. Since I spend all my time at home, I want to go out on the weekends. He spends all his time at work, so he wants to stay home on the weekends. Solution: SPLIT THE WEEKENDS!

Here's what we did on Saturday (Date Day!)

We went to rainy day games, which is a pretty cool game store near us. 

We didn't buy anything, but we like to look at games then husband looks the games up online for reviews and such before we pull the trigger on a game we have never heard of 

Then we went berry picking. We got some raspberries and tomatoes. 
The tomatoes were the best tomatoes ever. They are carmello tomatoes, which I had never heard of. 

I made them into soup later, but I had to contain myself so that I didn't eat all of them. Sprinkle some salt on them,  eat. TO DIE FOR. 

After berry picking/tomato buying, we went to lunch at Roxy's Island Grill. 

This place is super close to our house and super good. It's a total dive. 
I got sho-yu chicken, which is chicken in a delicious sauce. 
It comes with macaroni salad and rice. So good. I had never had Hawaiian food before, and I'm now a fan. 

That's all folks! We had a great date day. 

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