
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

DIY Tuesday: Crazy Skirt!

I did a little sewing yesterday, and I have a cute, crazy skirt to show for it! I followed a tutorial that I found on Pinterest. I seem to sew only skirts these days. They are super easy, so it is gratifying! 

Here's the link. 
Pinned Image

 It's super cheap to make because it uses muslin. Normally it's pretty see through, but when it's this many layers you can't see through it at all. I think the fabric was under two bucks a yard. I used about 2 1/2 yards. I already had the elastic for the waist, so it was a very cheap skirt.

It was super fast to make, and I even put some pockets in it. My mantra is NO SKIRTS WITHOUT POCKETS! Caps are needed. 

Pockets are very easy to do as well, look up a tutorial on the interwebz if you want to learn. This is the tutorial that I use. 
Here's how mine turned out: 

I like it a lot! It's going to be great when the weather gets colder. 

Make something today! Have a great day. 


  1. Make me one!!! It was just my b-day you know....

  2. LOVE the Skirt, You Rock! I never knew ruffles were so simple to make. Genious
