
Friday, September 21, 2012

Adventure Time Friday: Great American Bear Festival

Here's the deets on the backpacking. We started Saturday morning and made it to 7 1/2 mile camp with plenty plenty of time. There were a ton of sights along the way. After making camp, we saw a BEAR! So exciting. He was running away from camp as fast as he could. 
He was cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute. 

Here's the map. We went up to 7.5 mile camp and got to see all of the crazy sights on the way. Super great trip. 

I got all fancy this time and made a slideshow! Although I can't get it to steps people. 

First, here are some videos that we took. 

There's a third one that was too long over at the youtube. Here's the link