
Monday, August 27, 2012

Inspiration Monday: Thrift Store Shopping

I do basically all my clothes shopping at Goodwill. You might be intimidated, but I want to INSPIRE you to take the plunge. There are a lot of great clothes with a lot of wear left. Also, Target takes all of their final clearance clothes that don't sell to Goodwill, and I have bought a lot of NEW Target clothes at Goodwill with tags still on. Here are some things that I look for at Goodwill: 

1) Jeans. Lots of people donate jeans that don't fit. You are guaranteed to have a large selection in your size that are almost new. Recently, I found a pair of jeans that I have bought new from Old Navy many times before. 

2) Dresses. I love dresses, and Goodwill has a lot. I have found a Columbia dress, a Gap dress, and a Target Dress at Goodwill. Grab anything that might fit you and go for it! 

3) Accessories. Purses and belts are in abundance at Goodwill and are often very new. Great place to update a look on the cheap. 

4) Costumes. 'Nuf Said. 

I stay away from t-shirts and stretch tops, as they tend to look faded and stretched out to me. I have bought some wool sweaters and cardigans there, so keep your eye open. 

Set aside some time to shop at Goodwill, as it is considerably slower shopping than a place like Target that has clothes on easy display. Some days you will have tons of luck and some days you will be frustrated. But check back AT LEAST once a week and do some shopping.

If you have a Goodwill alternative in your area like ARC, check it out. I only have Goodwill around here, so that's what I'm stuck with! 

If you are grossed out by thrift store shopping, follow this rule: 
When you get home, throw all the clothes you bought, as well as the clothes you are wearing, into the washer. Then take a shower. Good to go! 

UPDATE: I JUST went to ye old Goodwill and snagged a new target skirt with pockets and a belt AND I found a great pair of Cole Haan penny loafers. What a steal! 

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