
Monday, August 13, 2012

Inspiration Monday: Everything Old is New Again

As I have mentioned, I really take my inspiration from the past when decorating. Luckily, we have a supply of sentimental vintage objects from my husband's dad. Some of the best pieces have both a place in our home and in our heart.

The microscope set is such a graphic piece, it really pops in our living room and served as the inspiration for the grey + primary colors color scheme. 

The army truck is next to an old radio that we gutted and made into a media PC. 

The marbles that my husband's dad played with as a child are extra special to him. 

Every time I look at these items it makes me happy. Home decor doesn't get much better than that!  If you have some sentimental items, try working them into your decor. 
Guaranteed to make you smile! 

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