
Monday, August 6, 2012

Inspiration Monday: Positive Vibes

Warning: Picture Goodness OVERLOAD!

Pinterest is seriously the best. One of the things that is so so handy is that I can go back and look at everything that I have pinned on a particular board at the same time. I do this with clothing boards frequently, as it helps me refine styles that I like. With the same idea, I took a look at all of the seeming random inspirational photos that I have pinned relating to our house. As you will see, it was very helpful! 

Vintage colour
cobalt blue dresser
Living room eclectic living room
shelving, via residence magazine
small doesn't have to be boring
bench made out of nightstands...
oh my
RUG!!!! and lamp.
amazingly eclectic living room

Okay, that's all of the inspiration pictures from my "for the home" board. It might be easy to dismiss them as totally random pictures, but I see a lot of trends after looking at them for a minute.

First, all of the pictures have a light and airy feel that I like a lot. Also, they all are relaxed and homey feeling, at least to me! 
Looking a little deeper, do you see the patterned rug trend? It's in 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, and 16. That's enough to tell me that it's something that I seriously love. And does anyone else see the similarities of the shelving in 14 and 6 to what I already have in my living room? 

With all of the inspiration pictures, I notice a special element. There's an interesting lamp, table, or accessory in each and every one. Having that type of house that makes people excited is important to me.

Moving forward with our house, I want to reference these photos frequently. Having a clear idea of where you want to end up is the surest best that you will actually get there eventually. 

If you haven't looked at inspiration pictures of whatever you are working on, you should! Whether it's your house, yard, style, or body that you are working on, it helps to see where you want to end up. 

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