
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DIY Tuesday: Healthy Home

The movie Chemerical is a documentary about a 'typical' (if there is such a thing) American family that is challenged to remove all toxic cleaning products from their home. It's a great introduction to why the chemicals that we breathe in our homes are toxic. Here's the trailer, the full version is available on YouTube (for a fee) or Netflix.

In my home, I don't go quite as far as this family, with homemade toothpaste and shampoo, but there are a number of things that I have made for my home for a long time. The way I see it, if something is better for me, the environment, and my wallet, why wouldn't I use that? Also, my father has chemical sensitivity brought on by an illness so I have had the unfortunate opportunity to see how these chemicals physically effect someone who is sensitive. 

So, here's what I have done in my house to reduce the chemical that we are exposed to:

Basic 'arsenal' includes:

Borax: A mineral found in the earth formed from the evaporation of saline lakes. 

Washing Soda: A soda ash produced from salt and limestone. 

Regular Baking Soda: 

Dr. Bronner's Soap: A soap made traditionally with minimal ingredients. 

 Plain Old Vinegar: 

Essential Oils: 

Glass/ Mirrors: 1/2 Vinegar, 1/2 water in a spray bottle. 

Floors: Hardwood: Spray bottle of 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1/4 cup strong brewed tea. Spray on floors and mop with a dry mop. The tannin in the tea makes the floors shine beautifully. 

Carpet Deodorizer: 1/2c borax, 1/2c baking soda, 10-12 drops essential oil of your choice. Mix and sprinkle on carpet. Vacuum up an hour later. 

Weed Killer: Vinegar, 1/2 cup salt, 2tbsp soap. I know, sounds crazy. It has kept the weeds at my house under control all summer without my dog being exposed to harmful weed killer. Spray on weeds in the morning before a hot day. I sometimes step on weeds first to 'bruise' them. That works well. 

Shower/Bath: 1cup baking soda, 2tbsp natural dish soap, 10 drops essential oil (optional). Wet down the tub, spread baking soda mixture on tub, scrub with a brush, rinse. 

Counters: I either use soap and water (for messes from baking, etc) or vinegar in a spray bottle if it's a germ-y mess like meat. The vinegar's acidity will most of that nasty mess. 

Air Freshener: Put a drop of essential oil in the inside of your toilet paper roll when you put a new one on. Every turn of the roll releases freshness! 

Stainless Steel Appliances: Olive Oil! I know, you are saying WHAT? Just put some on a rag and wipe, you'll be amazed. 

Dishwasher Powder: In a jar, mix 1/2 cup citric acid (found at health food store, used for sprouting among other things), 1 cup washing soda (found next to laundry detergent at grocery store), 1 cup borax, and 1/2 cup kosher salt together. This mixture works great! The citric acid is the key to glasses that are clear and not foggy. Use 1 tbsp per load. 

As far as cost of all these things, I am still on my first box of washing powder and borax that I bought about a year and a half ago. I buy a dual pack of vinegar (2 gals total) at Costco for $2.50. I don't have a detailed cost analysis, but I can tell you I'm saving a bundle versus buying ready made products, natural products or otherwise. 

I still buy some ready made cleaning products, but I am very picky about what I buy. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about my cleaning routine! It's something I really enjoy perfecting, as saving money and being healthy are both awesome things! I might get into healthy body care outside of the shower (moisturizer, makeup, etc) later on. Peace. 

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