
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

DIY Tuesday: The Many Names of Jade

Our dog was called many things. Like all nicknames do, they evolved over the years. Some are lovingly rude and bestowed by my husband. 
They include:  
Baby Girl
 Good Girl
 Jada Pinkett Smith
 J.D. Wentworth and Associates
Poop Face
Poop Head

We opted for a private cremation and we are just waiting to get her ashes back. Until then, I have been thinking about what I would like to store them in. After reflecting on how many names she had, I thought that the best idea was incorporating those names into the display. So I spent yesterday afternoon typing out all the names I could think of and picking fonts for each. In order, the fonts I used are: 

Antsy Pants 
                                 Candy INc                 
         Pea Roxygirl                
Designer Notes Bold
Never Say Never
PopStar Autograph
Oz’s Wizard        

If you would like to download any of the fonts, head on over to and plug the font name into the search box. 

I went to Joanns and picked up a wooden box with a glass front.

I painted it the colors that I wanted: red inside (to match her collar) and black on the outside. 
I also grabbed a can of spray gloss and some paint pens in varying metallic shades. 

I used word to make a square the size of the top of the box. Then I put each nickname in a text box and arranged it, trying to fill the space fairly well. I printed it out using the mirror setting on my computer, so that the words would print backwards and face the correct way when it was all done. This is what I came up with: 

Then I printed the design out on plain paper. I set the glass from the frame over the paper and carefully put a bit of tape on each edge so that the glass would not move. 

Very carefully, I then filled each letter in with the paint pen. I picked different colors for each word. 

Here's the glass after I traced over all the letters. Some of the smaller fonts were hard, if I were to use this method again I would use a bolder font. I still like the way it turned out though! 

All I need to do is wait 24 hours to dry and then clear coat the inside and outside. 

I think it tis super cute. 


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