
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

DIY Tuesday: Howdy Y'all!

My husband says "howdy" as a greeting. He's not country, just personable! I think that it's so incredibly adorable and I wanted to include that saying in our home. I did a quick DIY project with supplies that I already had on hand to create the letters. 

I didn't do a very good job taking progress pictures, but I am hoping that you'll forgive me since I am going to provide AWESOME instructions! 

First, I popped open word and found a font that I liked. It ended up being called "candy inc" (you can download it here). I typed out howdy in a LARGE size (What size you use depends on how large you want your letters, obviously.  I think I used 500.). I printed them out on scrap paper. Then I cut the letters out. I put them right side up on some cardboard and traced and cut them out. Now I had plain cardboard letters that spelled howdy, in a font that was super cute. I grabbed a fabric scrap and put the letters face down. Cut fabric to fit, leaving about 1/4" of room around I used double stick tape to secure the edges of the fabric around the outside, folding where needed to conform to the shape of the letter. Then, very carefully, I cut slits wherever I needed in order to fold the fabric and maintain the shape. For example, I cut a slit up the bottom on the h so that I could fold the fabric around the 'legs' of the letter. I taped as I went. You need patience here, but persevere and it will look great. Tape as much as you need to in order to make the fabric secure on the letters. 

After I had the letters looking the way that I wanted them to, I stuck them to the wall with a thumbtack. I stuck a thumbtack through the sticky side of the tape, so that the tape was stuck on the back of the letter and the side of the tape facing the wall (not sticky) had the thumbtack sticking through it. Stick it up on the wall and what do you get? 

Close up on the d: 

Far away: 

It's not a super bold statement in the room, and I like that. It's subtle and personal to us. It would be perfect with a last name or baby's name. What's great about this idea is that you can adapt it to any use that you need. Get creative! 

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