
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Good Eats Wednesday: What makeup do you use?

What Makeup Do You Use - Nutella?

Welcome to my Nutella based beauty routine post! It has done wonders for my skin. 

No, seriously, we're gonna make the best muffins that you have ever put in your face hole. Banana Nutella Muffins. I got this recipe from a random blog about a million years ago and it has gone through many a transformation. 
I make these suckers about once a week, and we grab them for breakfast. They are good! Here's the deets. 

3 very ripe bananas
1/4 cup plain yogurt
2 large eggs
6tbs coconut oil, melted (you could use butter)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups whole wheat flour
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup nutella

Makes 12 muffins.

Spray/grease your muffin pan. Preheat your oven to 350.

Mash the bananas in a large bowl. I use my hands. Don't tell. 

Then throw in the wet ingredients. I count sugar as a wet ingredient, so you should throw in the sugar, yogurt, eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla. 

Mix the wet ingredients together and then add the dry ingredients: flour, baking soda, salt to the wet. Mix well, but don't over mix. Grab a 1/4 cup measure and scoop LESS than 1/4 cup into the prepared pan. Each  muffin should be about 1/2 full at this point. 

And now, the NUTELLA! I don't use a whole lot, I promise. The trick with making it seem like more nutella is how it melds with the muffin around it, making the muffing surrounding the nutella absorb it. Does that make sense? It spreads the nutella out through the muffin and it makes it seem like there's a lot of nutella. 

Use two spoons to scoop about 1/2 tsp nutella onto the muffin batter in each tin. Repeat.

Once they all have nutella on them, grab the measuring cup again. This time, just put about 2 tbsp of the batter on top of  the nutella. Make a batter-nutella sandwich!

Bake for 20-24 minutes. Eat!

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