
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Good Eats Wednesday: LAAAAAATE! I'm sorry.

South Park BP Sorry

So yesterday involved multiple grocery store trips while I was probably the most sore I have ever been in my life from working out. I didn't get time to blog, since going to Costco and trying to pick up giant packages of things (when your legs just want to give out) takes a bit longer. I'm happy to have food in the house and be ready for our dear friends to come visit this weekend. I'm sure that there will be several posts about the fun times. 

You get TWO posts today! YAY! 

So now back to your regularly scheduled blogging. 

In my quest to bake more and buy less bread, I started looking into making sourdough bread at home. It really made me nervous at first. I mean, sure I will have this growing flour/water substance in a bowl on my counter that has to be FED....not weird at all.  

I did a lot of research about the starter, and I decided to go for it. 
Sourdough Home was the best source that I could find on the interwebs. It really explains in very simple language what is going on in that container on my counter. It will guaranteed do a much much better job than I am about to do. 

I used whole wheat flour for my starter, as the website says the flour will have more bacteria on it. Can I get a cheer for added bacteria! WHOOOOH! So I  mixed up my first flour/water substance and let it be. I fed it again 12 hours later. Nothing happening yet. When I went to do my third feeding, it was bubbly and smelled GROSS. Um, not like bread is supposed to smell at all. The website explains that it takes the good bacteria a while to take over an kill off the harmful bacteria and then it will smell better. Okay, I will continue feeding. 

Day three of consistent feeding was when the starter started looking great. Smells like sourdough bread, doubles itself consistently between feedings. In other words, ready to use.

This is what it looks like in the Tupperware: 

I picked a recipe to use with my starter.

Sourdough bread takes TIME. Like overnight time.  

 I will edit this post tomorrow after I get my bread all baked. Wish me luck! 

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