
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Booze Thursday: Recycle

With our Colorado visit coming up--TOMORROW!!! EEK!--I needed to figure out how to keep my plants alive without bugging someone to come over all the time. Enter the used beer/booze bottles! Is it just me, or does your glass recycle bin make you feel like a lush? Anyway, I grabbed some bottles from the recycle bin and rinsed them out. 

I filled them with water and then stuck them in the plants. I made sure to SOAK the plants before I did this, otherwise they will just gulp the water right down. But I did this the week before to see if it would work, and so far so good! Stick them deep, near the roots, and do it fast and with confidence. You can do it! 

I like it because all my plants look hilarious to me now. Giggle. 

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