
Friday, August 10, 2012

Adventure Time Friday: Berries N Cream

Yesterday Jon and I went berry picking with a bunch of new Intel employees. Oregon is obsessed with berries since they grow so well here. Which is great, because I am obsessed too. I'm a little lad(y) who loves berries n cream! Earlier this week, I said no thanks to berry picking because I was so sore. Good thing I changed my mind! 

Essentially, berry picking is leisurely walking around picking berries in nice cool weather while you stuff your hole with berries  eat a few. Yes, there are signs that encourage you to taste test. I stuck with picking blackberries and raspberries, since I already had blueberries at home. 

Berry picking is so cheap! We got about 3lbs of berries for $5. Home grown, sun ripened, HUGE and juicy berries. The husband had to drag me away from the berries before I picked way way too much. It's so addicting! I think this is one of my favorite Oregon pastimes. 

In the past, we bought some raspberries at a farmers' market for a good chunk of change. They were delicious, but expensive. The ones we picked last night were just as tasty, for a LOT less. I think I will stick with picking them from now on. If you have such a facility in your area, check it out! 

Oh yeah, I cut my hair off! Living free and easy with short hair!

Have a great weekend, see you on Monday.

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