
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Booze Thursday: Full Sails Ahead!

This beer confuses my a good way. It's Full Sail's Limited Edition Lager. 
The bottle says there's no coffee or chocolate in this Limited Edition Lager, but your mouth will insist otherwise. 

It's out of Hood River, Oregon. 

I don't have a glass pic for you because I drank it out of the bottle, so there. 

This beer made my taste buds go "whaaaaaat?" I have been conditioned to expect a certain taste when drinking a beer with a lager label and this was waaaay different. It's like expecting that your cup has water in it but someone sneakily changed it out for chocolate milk. Or like when you pick up something you think is going to be heavy and it's super light. Or when you think there's one stair left but you're already down. Really, any of those work. 

This beer has an intense malty flavor which right away got me hooked. It also has coffee notes, as it says on the bottle. The aroma is sweet and light, which made the drinking experience a pleasant one. According the the info on the six pack, it is a Czech black lager that is called Cerne Specialni. Whatever you want to call it, I recommend that you pick some up immediately. 

Also, since my momma is complaining about my lack of pics of me lately, here's a picture of last night's Mickey Mouse costume. Full deets to come tomorrow. 

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