
Friday, November 9, 2012

Adventure Time Friday: Explore some other blogs!

So since we are headed to Canada next week, I won't be blogging Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Blame Canada. 

 I wanted to share some of my favorite blogs with you so if you need a blog fix you'll know where to go. (Not that my blog compares to these awesome blogs...) 
I read a couple of blogs every. single. day. and some other blogs when I am bored or waiting somewhere. 

This blog is the best. It's a young married couple, their kiddo, and a cute dog named Burger. (I like his name.) They do a home design/DIY blog. Their style is a mix of modern traditional with some awesome colorful accents. They are on their second house, and have chronicled the renovation of both, inside and out. Their first house is seen above. 
This blog is a huge inspiration to me, and I read it every day (going on about 2 years now). The wife loves Ceramic animals and spray painting things. A girl after my own heart. 

This is a huuuge blog with a lot of contributors. There's always a new story every time I check it, and the stories are usually very interesting. There's a nice mix of diy projects, reader questions, professional designs, and random cool stuff. There's also offshoot blogs for cooking and parenting. Above is a picture that represents a typical design that the Apartment Therapy community would go nuts over. 

This blog is full of super special things. They have select DIY projects, luscious recipes, and a mix of eclectic stories about amazing things. Its run by a woman named Grace, who I think must have the best taste possible in the world. She does a great job highlighting unique craftsmans of gorgeous products. 

Leave a comment with your favorite blog! 
Have a great weekend, and I will see you on Monday and Tuesday. 

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