
Friday, November 2, 2012

Adventure Time Friday: I suck at taking pictures.

I really failed this Halloween. I hardly look any pictures. FAIL. 
So I'm just going to tell you all about the fun times to supplement the lack of pictures. 

First, the weekend before Halloween we had a party. I was Elaine from Seinfeld. 
Yes, I did dance like this all night: 

We also had poop dip, which is queso with meat and food coloring added to make it brown. Sounds gross right? Kinda, but it was the hit of the party. 


Then on the actual Halloween we handed out candy. I was dressed as Mickey Mouse. I wanted something more recognizable. 

 My favorite trick-or-treaters were a little blonde girl as Mario with the stick on mustache. Soooo adorable. I also liked the little princess from Brave who came all the way into our house and outright judgmentally inspected what she could see from the doormat. Or the boy dressed as a chicken who didn't realize he had chicken feet as well. He acted really surprised when I complimented him on his feet. 

After that died down a bit, we went to downtown Portland where we went to a couple of bars and played the game of "Costume or Real Outfit???" Yes, people dress so weird here that could make up a whole game on Halloween. 

But the bars we went to were not super hoppin' with Halloween crazy people. It made me miss Halloween in Fort Collins, it's a zoo and so much fun. Maybe next year we will find where the party's at! 
Have a great weekend! 

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