
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

DIY Tuesday: Raaaaaawr!

Tomorrow is the husband's birthday. He already opened his present, mostly because I couldn't wait any longer (and because he saw the one I made for myself)

  We keep our house pretty cold, and that means that we almost always need a blanket while watching tv or playing a board game at night. I wanted to make two fleece blankets for us to use, but I didn't like the way fleece blankets are usually finished. Your options are: 1) Use two fleece fabrics and tie them together along the sides. This makes is hard and lumpy around the edges, and I didn't want to buy double fabric. 2) Crochet the edges. That's above my skill level. 

So I forged my own way. I wanted fringe. I bought 2 yards of fabric per blanket, and then 1 skein of yarn. Oh yeah, the fabric was awesome T-rex fleece. 

Jon participated in cutting the fringes. He was bewildered as to what I could be making. We cut a bunch of 7 inch long fringe. 

Then I cut off the salvage of the felt. 

Then I made sharpie marks about 2 inches apart, one inch in, around the whole blanket. 

                                Then I snipped a tiny hole on top of each sharpie mark. 

I made bundles of five pieces of yarn, then threaded the bundle through the holes. I took another piece of yarn and tied the fringe nice and tight. Repeat around the whole blanket. Ta da! 

Husband loves it. He did a dance with it as a cape. 

1 comment:

  1. Cuteness!

    He use to do that with his towel when he was little too... xo tee hee
