
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fortnight Vegan: Gains and Losses

We've been vegan for two weeks now, and I thought you might like an update about how we are feeling. 

Here's what we've gained: 

I have more energy than I have had in a loooong time. (like childhood) Unless I specifically make sure to get out the extra energy before bedtime, I end up taking longer to go to sleep. When I fall asleep, I sleep deep. I am not running around like when I was teaching, so naturally there's less energy expended. 

I am having a blast cooking. It's fun to use different ingredients, feel great about what I am serving, and explore tastes that I am not used to. You can cook so many different things with plants, it's incredible. 

A Hot Sauce Addiction
Yeah, can't explain that. I made some Chipolte-ish rice and bean bowls--which are now my absolute favorite thing to  eat--and hot sauce went on that....and everything since then. Husband is threatening to take it away. 

A Clear Head
This is one of the things that you don't notice right away, but I am starting to pick up on it. There's no fog after eating, no crash after eating that makes me cranky. I didn't realize that something was wrong, but something clearly was. 

An Appetite
I'm so hungry all the time. I think that my body is digging what I'm giving it. This food also digests easier, which equals earlier hunger. Also, I don't have to worry about going back for seconds. For example, yesterday I made a vegan lasagna. Where once I wouldn't have gone back for seconds due to the cheese, meat, etc, I now can go back as much as I like, since it's packed with veggies. 

What We've Lost: 

I expected to be insanely ravenous for cheese or meat. Not the case. This diet is not restricting at all. The only "mmmmmm" moment I have had was when we were walking out of Home Depot and the hot dog cart smelled so good. I might have to pick up some veggie dogs soon to squash that craving. Good thing there's an alternative for almost everything out there. I don't feel like I'm denying myself at all. 

I've lost weight....while eating the most volume I have ever eaten. I can get used to that. 

Food Safety Concerns
This is minor, but I noticed how nice it is to not worry about where you put that raw chicken, and remembering to wash your hands immediately.

This is not true for every vegan (some vegans do more packaged vegan food), but I have noticed that the meals take a little longer. I am fixing that by prepping a bunch of one ingredient, then eating off that for a while. Another thought is that eating out is harder. We don't generally eat out at all, but sometimes it is nice. Luckily we live in Portland where the vegan foods cascade down from the mountain tops like a soy avalanche. But going to a conventional restaurant is harder, and we have to check out the menu in advance online. If that's the only negative that I have right now, it seems worth it to me! 

Obviously I'm not an expert, so don't take my observations about my family as medical advice. All I know is that we're having a blast, and we're only two weeks in to the three month challenge. 

Thanks for reading! Best wishes and love from Portland. 

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