
Monday, January 14, 2013

Curb Alert!

I like projects. I like free projects even more. Naturally, I like to scope out the free pickings that I sometimes see on the curb. Husband and I spotted this dresser a couple nights ago, hopped out to inspect it, and shoved it in the car. 

It's a solid piece, with nice vintage lines. But all that paint, ugh. The gunky drawer liners, ew. Icky clunky drawer pulls. But we can rebuild her. 

I can either go paint, or stain/oil finish.
 I could also combine paint and stain like this:

Lets be honest, my curb girl's clunky lines are never going to look this stylish and mid century chic, but a girl can dream. 

It will really depend on what the wood looks like under the paint. In my wildest dreams it will be some gorgeous rosewood or something and I will just rub some tung oil on it and call it a day. First step will be stripping all that paint off, pronto. 

Buuuuuut hold up. It's cold here right now and the paint stripper I bought calls for higher temps. I will be waiting, patiently waiting, for it to warm up a bit. 

Don't worry, I will be taking you with me on this journey from curb reject to (hopefully) fabulous! 

Thanks for reading! Best wishes and love from Portland. 

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