
Monday, March 4, 2013

Travel Tips

I just booked a ticket to spend a week visiting with family in the San Fran area (YAY!), and it's made me think about the challenges of traveling while vegan. It's not always easy to just grab food on the go, and eating out generally requires a bit of planning. As a new vegan, I've never done this before, so naturally it's intimidating. 

Here are some tips for traveling while vegan, OR just eating healthier while on vacation. Note: I do not mean that vegan always means healthy, just that you can apply these tips to meet your needs.

1. Vegan Apps
On my phone, I have two apps for locating vegan friendly restaurants. One is the Happy Cow Veginout Free app, and one is just called Vegan Eating Out. The Happy Cow app lists restaurants near my location that are veg friendly, and the Vegan Eating Out app allows me to look up a restaurant by name and figure out what I can eat there. So, if we want to go to Red Robin, I can check the app to tell me what vegan options there are, so I don't get stuck with ordering bottomless fries. That's not my preferred vegan lunch! :)  

2. Scout out the area
Even though I have the apps, I will still look around our hotel on google maps for restaurants that have vegan options. That way I can have a list of restaurants already in my head. I know our hotel has a great breakfast, so I looked online to verify that there will be lots of fresh fruit
 and oatmeal available.

3. Come prepared
I am most worried about the airport. It's already stressful enough running to your gate without having to find vegan food. I will probably pack a lunch+snacks going out there, but coming home is harder. I will be checking out the San Fran airport in advance for food options. Also, I might stop by a whole foods or equivalent to grab an easy vegan dinner on the way to the airport. The whole trip will be supplemented with a large stash of vegan snacks in my purse, like veggie booty, fruit, raw almonds, or vegan granola. 

4. Relax
It's the intention that counts, not perfection. I will not be concerned about food that might not be 100% vegan, as long as I try my hardest to make healthy plant based options available for myself. That's my motto for this trip. 

Thanks for reading! Best wishes and love from Portland. 

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