
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Separation Anxiety

As this week is all things doggie, I thought that I would share our main goal that we have for Jasper. Oh, and some pictures!

Number one goal: 

Be quiet and not stressed when we leave the house. 

Right now it's not too terrible, he maybe is sad for seven minutes max when we leave. That involves some quiet wines and one or two barks. Then he curls up on the couch. If he remembers that we are gone, he might get up and do it again. But, he isn't destroying anything, or being super loud. So it could be tons worse. I record him and watch it back, and I get good information about how he is behaving.

 We've only had him for 4 days, so I think this might relax with time. 

 We are practicing on him being alone while I am home, and his area is the den, so he can't follow me around the whole house like glue, which he totally would do if he could. We try to get him relaxed and tired before we leave, which helps. Also, not making a big deal about when we come or go helps a lot too. 

I've read that shelter dogs sometimes go through this phase once they first get adopted, and I think that's justified!
 I would want to be around my people all the time too. 

 If anyone has any ideas, let us know please!

But, we are overall so happy with this doggie. He's super smart, and we have to spell lots of things already. He already knows Out, Walk, Cat, Food, Treat. He also knows a lot of commands, like Leave It, Sit, Stay, Come On, Off, Down, and can leave a treat on the floor until I say 'get it'. We can see huge potential with him, and are excited to see where he ends up. 

And now for pictures! 

I think he's relaxed. 

Thanks for reading! Best wishes and love from Portland. 

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