
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Natural and Chic Beauty: Tips and Tricks on a Dime

Alright, we've covered ingredients and my favorite brand for natural beauty. Now I want to share some tips for looking amazing with a small budget and natural ingredients. Obviously, this is just what works for me, and I don't guarantee results for you, since everyone is different. 

Witch Hazel

This is an amazing toner that you can find everywhere for super cheap. It's naturally derived and has great skin benefits. I noticed a difference in pore size, skin texture, acne frequency, and even tone within a week. I use it after cleansing, morning and night, before applying moisturizer. Super simple, and super cheap! 

Lemon and Honey Mask

This works wonders for skin tone and moisture issues. After gently washing your face as normal, take half of a lemon. I usually use it after it has been lightly squeezed once so it doesn't squirt lemon juice everywhere. Drizzle about 1 tsp honey or agave on the cut side of the lemon. While lying on a towel elevated in bed, or in the bath tub, rub your face with the cut side of the lemon. The white pith segments in the lemon lightly exfoliate, while the honey moisturizes, and the lemon juice evens your skin tone. Once you have rubbed your face for about 3 minutes, let it dry for a while. It will probably sting a bit, so wash it off if it gets too intense. But power through it, it's worth it! Rinse off and moisturize your face. 

Baking Soda 'Microdermabrasion'

About once a week (Not on same day I do my honey/lemon mask, ouch) I wash my face with baking soda. It's such a fine texture that it does a great job exfoliating. Just wet your face, grab some plain baking soda, and scrub your face with your fingers or a washcloth. I focus on my nose and chin areas, since I tend to get blackheads there. The baking soda really helps keep those areas clear. Rinse, tone, and moisturize. 

Baking Soda Clarifying Shampoo

Instead of having to buy another separate shampoo for getting all of the styling gunk out of your hair, use baking soda. I just grab a handful and scrub it into my wet hair whenever I feel that my hair needs a refresh. It works great. Then I rinse my hair and use conditioner.  My hair feels lighter and regains its bounce. 

Trim Your Own Hair

This scared me to death, but I just did it the other day and I'm a convert. Instead of more frequent haircuts, you can retain your hair's shape with a light trim, while trimming off any split ends. My hair feels like I just got it cut, with the silky ends and all. I section my hair into top and bottom. Then I grab one inch sections and weave them through my fingers. The hair goes under your pointer finger, over your middle finger, and under your ring finger. Then grab some SHARP scissors with your other hand. Slide the hand with the hair slowly down the shaft of the hair, trimming off any ends that stick up during the journey to the end. I also gave it a quick snip on the end of the hair. This didn't take any time at all, and was a huge refresh to my hair. 

Do you have anything that you do to keep your beauty costs down? Share in the comments! 

Thanks for reading! Best wishes and love from Portland. 

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