
Monday, March 25, 2013

Jasper's Adoption Story

We adopted a dog on Saturday from the Oregon Humane Society, and he is pure awesome. 

We have been wanting a dog for some time now, and we had been going back and forth between living in the city for a year or living out in the suburbs still, but getting a dog. We didn't know what we wanted for a while, but the dog option really seemed like the right choice for us in the end. We didn't think the city choice was best for us right now. So, we began our search for THE dog. 

We went to rescue events, and the shelter several times. There were some dogs that we liked, but we still weren't sure. When we went back to the shelter on Friday, we discovered a section of the kennel area that we had skipped! And that's where 'Bolt' was. 

He had been there for 18 days, which is a long time for this particular shelter. Most dogs are in there for a week, tops. His adoption fee had just been lowered to the lowest tier, and he was on "March Madness" sale on top of that. They wanted him gone!

He had been surrendered by his owner, the owner giving a rather vague "I don't like the way he acts." He was not fixed when he was surrendered, and the shelter took care of that. He is also pretty underweight (You can't tell by looking, but totally can by feeling him.), and has some flaky skin that we think is due to a grain allergy. He didn't want to come up to the door of his kennel to let us pet him, he just laid on his bed and looked at us. But, there was something about him. Maybe it was his eyes, which are so like Jade's eyes. 
 We decided to meet with him, even though the shelter rep told us that he might not like us, that he cried for three days straight when he got to the shelter, and that he is wary of new people and situations. 

As soon as the door opened to the meeting room, 'Bolt' attacked Husband with kisses and love. He let us touch him all over, and was really submissive from the first moment. We didn't need long with him to know he had just adopted us. It was 7:30pm at this point, so we put a hold on him and came back the next day to adopt him. Everyone was happy to see him go, and told us what a great dog he is.  

We took him home, and he has just blossomed in the three days we have had him. He is 2 years old, about 50 pounds (we're aiming for 55 as a goal), and he has some husky in him, mixed with who-knows-what. I think that it's border collie/lab, due to his markings, ears, head shape, and attention to all things bird-like. 

I will write more tomorrow about his mild behavior issues and what we are working on now! I think that he will be all I post about on the blog this week, since he is taking up so much of our time. 
Soon all will calm down around here, and we will settle into our routine.

Thanks for reading! Best wishes and love from Portland. 

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