
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Booze Thursday: It's the end of the world as we know it...

 Yesterday the husband and I took a trip to our favorite beer acquisition spot:  John's Market. The website says that they have Portland's best beer selection. I have zero doubt that the statement is 100% true. ZERO DOUBT. The first time we went here, we spent like two hours looking at the beer. Drool time ensued. They have lots of Colorado beer too, which is great when we wan't something that we already know and like. When we do want to be adventurous, there's A TON to choose from.

Here's some pics from the last time we were there: 

And those were just a couple breweries that we were excited to see there. There are literally about ten million more aisles to explore. Yes, I just said literally. 

Before I get into the actual beer that we drank, I need to provide some background on my love affair with elderflower. I have a serious St. Germain addiction. (Don't know what that is? Go buy a bottle then mix a shot of it with soda water and lime....NOW.) I also have an itch to hoard multiple bottles of IKEA's elderflower concentrate. Thankfully my husband only lets me keep one bottle at a time.Thus, the reasons why I chose the following beer should now be obvious. 

Yesterday I picked up a bottle of Elysian Wasteland Elderflower Saison. This beer is part of a series dubbed "The 12 Beers of the Apocalypse." This is entry six. The bottle asks "If the end of the world was upon us, which beer would you brew?"  This one. Yes, this one. 

 Please note the glass that the hubby poured it into...Dead Guy Days. Thanks SIL!

I love saison and I feel that saison appreciation is on the rise. Yay! Saison was originally a farmer's beer. The french farmers that brewed the ale would each put their own spin on the beer that they brewed, therefore the style as a whole is hard to describe accurately.

 I can speak that this specific beer was crisp and light, with a distinct flowery nose and crisp hop finish. It would be super refreshing after a hot day farming my fields in France. The elderflower was present, yet not overwhelming, which would have been a disappointment. As much as I like elderflower, I also like a balanced beer. Bottom line: you should immediately head to John's Market (Or Wilbur's for you foco peeps) and grab a bottle. I think it was around $8, which is a fair price for such a great beer. 

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